World War III (WWIII) will start in 2012 Iran Vrs Israel & USA / China Vrs Japan

Iran's Sajil 2 missileFirst,
The war with Iran is about to start.  Iran could launch a pre-emptive strike on Israel if it was sure the Jewish state were preparing to attack Iran.  Hajizadeh, who heads the Guard's aerospace division, said any attack on Iranian soil could trigger "World War III."
Senior Iranian military commanders repeated threats made over the past few weeks that Tehran will destroy Israel if it launches an attack on Iran either with or without the US.

“It is impossible to imagine an independent war between Iran and the US or the Zionist regime [Israel],” he said, adding that other countries in the region would likely side with Iran or Israel in case of war.
Iran would target US bases in the region should Israel attack, Hajizadeh added.

Referring to a deadly attack by Taliban gunmen against a US Marine base in southern Afghanistan earlier this month, in which five aircraft were destroyed, Hajizadeh warned that an attack by Israel on Iran could extend war to the region.

The war Between China and Japan could trigger World War III.
Japanese coast guard ships fired water cannon to push back Taiwanese vessels Tuesday in the latest confrontation over tiny islands in the East China Sea, as the main contenders, China and Japan, met in an effort to tamp down tensions.

About 40 Taiwanese fishing boats and 12 patrol boats entered waters near the islands on Tuesday morning, briefly triggering an exchange of water cannon fire with Japanese coast guard ships who said the Taiwanese vessels ignored warnings to get out of their territory.
The purchase has sparked sometimes violent protests in China and informal boycotts of Japanese products. Many Chinese have canceled vacations to Japan over the dispute. Japanese airline JAL says it plans to cut six flights a day from Japan to Beijing and Shanghai from Oct. 10-27 after the canceling of 15,500 seat reservations.
China has also dispatched government marine monitoring vessels to patrol around the Japan-administered islands.

Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Zhang Zhijun and Japanese Vice Foreign Minister Chikao Kawai, flanked by their aides, held a meeting on the dispute Tuesday at China's Foreign Ministry.
After the four-hour meeting, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei said both sides exchanged views “frankly and deeply,” and he reiterated that “China will never tolerate Japan's unilateral acts which violate China's territorial sovereignty.”
he Chinese Communist Party”s “Shi Lang” aircraft carrier is actually part of an “in-your-face” staged propaganda ploy to deter Western intelligence services from discovering the rest of China’s future fleet of aircraft carriers.

Through the use of elaborate sheet metal camouflage techniques, the additional 6 aircraft carriers under construction appear as dry-docked oil-tankers and container ships going through a restoration process.
Once construction and sea trials of the aircraft carriers are successfully completed, the CCP will launch a massive carrier task force– including a submarine fleet. The CCP will use this globe-trotting arsenal to lay claim to Taiwan, the Spratly Islands, and eventually the world.

2012 a Hoax...Haha. Fuld you...LOL

Reasons behind Dec 21 2012

Why have so many lies been told in order to create fear over this date. This is an open ended question that could be answered many many different ways. I think the reason that makes the most sense is to profit from it. Many people have websites on this subject which creates ad revenue, and sells their Ebooks. This date has been blown out of proportion for pure greed. Another reason is for recruiting religious groups. Any time there is the possibility of a world changing disaster people feel more inclined to convert to a religion for two reasons. The first being that maybe there devine being they worship may spare them from the catastrophe, and the second being that they will go to heaven or a similar place apposed to hell. In my opinion these are the reasons why some are spreading fear about this date.

Hurricane Katrina

Current Weather Theory

Some people attribute our changing climate to the fact that we are coming closer to Galactic Center.They say that we are experiencing more Natural Disasters because the magnetic field is disrupting the Earth. This is false because we are not going close to Galactic center, we are actually moving away from it (see my post on the Galactic Plane). Our climate is changing for several reasons:
1. Human Emissions and pollution, this is what is causing the majority of the climate change
2. The Earths orbit
3. Relationship between the Ocean and the Atmosphere
4. Volcanic Eruptions
5. Activity of the sun
The emissions you and I create enforce the greenhouse effect. Humans are causing the climate change not the Galactic plane, Nibiru, or anyone else. I know that we like to blame others for our mistakes, but it is us that is destroying our beautiful planet.



Some of these Dooms Day theories are derived from Nostradamus and the Bible. To both of these I give no weight to them scientifically. For Nostradamus his predictions are so vague that they are open for interpretation. I am not very familiar with the bible but again, both of these sources bear no weight in a scientific discussion.

Planets on December 21st 2012

Planetary Alignment

      The above is where the planets will be on December 21st 2012. They are not even close to being aligned. One storey is that all the planets will align on December 21st 2012 and it will also be aligned with the Galactic Plane. I have already debunked that we will not be going through the Plane in the year of 2012. There will be no planetary alignment on December 21st 2012 period. It amazes me that some people are still lying to you, trying to spread fear and sell there E books that all have to do with "Surviving 2012".

Earth's Magnetic Field

This shows Earth's magnetic field during a magnetic shifting of the poles.
This shows Earth's magnetic field during a magnetic shifting of the poles.

Pole Shifts and 2012

There are two different theories on the pole shift that will occur on December 21st 2012. The first I will talk about is a magnetic pole shift, which is a reversal between the North and South poles. The second pole shift I will be covering is a physical shift of the Earth's Crust.
Magnetic Pole shift: The above picture shows the Earth during a magnetic pole shift (which is currently happening).As you can see the Earth's magnetic field is not dormant during this pole shift, it just becomes more complicated. So as this pole shift occurs the Earth's South pole could travel up to Asia, or to Africa, until the poles have completely swapped spots. During this pole shift we are still protected against solar storms and space radiation. A Magnetic pole shift is a slow process, it takes hundreds even thousands of years. The biggest consequence of this pole shift will be changing our compasses in a few hundred years.
Physical Pole Shift:This occurs when the Earths crust shifts. We have had a few degree physical pole shift, but not a physical polar reversal. This would take a vast amount of energy that could not be linked to any increase in solar activity, or natural cycle. A physical polar reversal would be devastating to the Earth and its inhabitants, but you would not be able to pinpoint a day of this event or if it will even happen.

Galactic Plane

Galactic Plane Theory

What is the Galactic Plane? The Galactic plane is a gravitational field stretching out from the black hole in the center of the galaxy, that has a very high force of gravity. The black hole in our galaxy has an estimated mass of one trillion stars, which is what gives it such an enormously strong gravitational field. Because the black hole is so massive, it spins incredibly fast which causes the Galactic plane to be quite thin and it also causes our galaxy to have a spiral shape. In the picture above the Central Galactic Plane is the gravity field created by the black hole.
I am not denying the fact the this plain does exist, because it does. If we were passing through it in a few years it would lead to catastrophic disasters on our planet. Because the Earth moves in a sinusoidal curve back and forth over this Galactic plane we are heading towards it, but will not move through it for a long time.
So what would occur if we did move through this Galactic Plane? Large solar flares, like nothing we have seen before which could scorch the Earth. A pole shift, and many natural disasters. These natural disasters would be unlike current natural disasters they would be much larger and more intense.
Now I will try to show you why this will not occur any time soon. Right now we are not very close to Galactic center. And precession is such a slow process the position of Earth with respect to the galactic plane on Dec 21st 2009 will be very similar to the position of earth on Dec 21st 2012. It would make more sense in fifty to a hundred years time. Not the short period of time until December 21st 2012. However, from other sources this cycle occurs approximately ever 33 million years, and there is evidence we crossed it three million years ago which would indicate we would still be moving away from Galactic center and not towards it.
The galactic plane is a real thing, caused by the black hole in the middle of our galaxy. Passing through it could be catastrophic, but we will not be passing through it for another 30 million years. There is evidence showing the Earth passed through this plane three million years ago.

The Mayan's

First off a brief history of the Mayan's. They were a ancient civilization that were brilliant astronomers. There calenders were accurate enough to track every planet in its orbit and then show dates of astrological events such as a lunar eclipse. So where do the Mayans come into play in this hoax you might ask? Well they have a few calendars, one of them called the long count calendar. It has a period of 5,126 years, the end of this long count calender is set for December 21st 2012 (the long count calender on this day will be The Mayan's never predicted the destruction of the Earth on this day, instead they said great change would happen on this day. They never said what the great change was, it could be the destruction of the Earth, however, others speculate it to be a shift from our old ways, a kind of a spiritual evolution (I on the other hand believe no such spiritual evolution will occur). Also the calendar might be just reset from to Some say that on this day the Earth will align itself with the galactic plane, this is false though, it will not align with galactic center. No where does it say the doomsday will occur on December 21st 2012. We tend to think beginning to end, which is completely different then how the Mayan's think, they thought in cycles, their calendar does not end it is just another cycle.
Do not live in fear because nothing will happen on this day, it will just be another day except the doomsayers will feel really foolish. However, it is always important to have a plan for natural disasters as these could occur at any time. It is important to have enough water and food to last you a month, as well as survival clothes. I urge you right now to make a survival kit for you and your family and always be prepared. Right now there is a lot more to worry about then 2012.

A Wong Translation

A Sumerian Stone Tablet
A Sumerian Stone Tablet

The Sumerian's part in the hoax

First off who were the Sumerians? They were an ancient civilization that existed from 2900-1800 BC, who lived in the area of mesopotamia. A large amount of evidence supporting 2012 is taken from the Sumerian's.
I will start by talking about the above picture. In the above picture it has been said that this shows every planet in our solar system, in the correct dimensions and distance away from the sun (Jupiter the largest, Earth the third planet etc etc.), but it also shows 12 planets. If you minus the sun and the moon (they thought these were both planets) that leaves us with 10 planets. This is where the myth of Nibiru comes from. Nibiru is a planet said to be four times the size of Earth and having a 3600 year orbit around the Sun, its orbit comes very close to Earth. The picture above was originally translated by Zecharia Sitchin. However, the symbol for sun in the Sumerian culture is not what is in the middle of this diagram, it closely resembles the symbol for the sun (below is a picture of the Sumerian symbol for the sun, now look back at the picture above and compare the symbols), but instead it is the symbol for a star. This is counter argument number one to Planet X (Nibiru).
The second argument being if it truley was only about four years away from close contact with the Earth we would be able to see it by now. In some reports it has four times the mass of earth. If it was coming at Earth it could not be more than a billion killometers away, therefore we would already be able to see it. For example Pluto would be both further away and smaller then the approaching Planet X. It is believed by some that on this Planet X is a race called the Anunnaki (meaning those from Heaven in Sumerian). They are an alien race that came to Earth on Planet X's last orbit into the inner solar system. There is talk of them being the creators of the human race, and giving the Sumerian's knowledge of the planets in the solar system. Which some use to explain the picture above because the Sumerians would be unable to see Pluto without a telescope, but I have already explained that the picture is not what is appears to be. And if these superior beings did give the Sumerians Knowledge of our solar system why would they tell them that both the moon and the sun are planets when they are not?
I believe the most concluding evidence is the lack of evidence of this Planet X. It is fantasy, nothing more.

Nibiru hoax Quotes

A picture of the Sumerian Symbol for the Sun

Good Brief Overview of 2012