Positions of North and South Poles

The earth magnetic north pole is is not affected by sun's harmful radiations because of Earth's gravitational pull. After about 750,000 or so the earth's north and south poles swap their positions. Currentley At present time these north and south poles of the earth are drifting away from each other at the speed of 20-30 kms in each year. During the swapping of poles the magnetic field will disappear for about 100 years leading to UV rays to enter the world. This will destroy everything. It is said that 2012 is the year for this which is also the year as per the End of World Predictions. The magnetic north pole has progressively moved offshore over the past few years. But swapping of poles cannot happen in a moment. 

The average position of the North Magnetic Pole in 1994 was located on the Noice Peninsula, southwest Ellef Ringnes Island, at 78.3 degrees North, 104.0 minutes West. The yearly motion of the pole has increased, and is now 15 kilometers per year.

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