Yes, it’s unsophisticated to
blame any given storm on climate change. Men and women in white lab
coats tell us—and they’re right—that many factors contribute to each
severe weather episode. Climate deniers exploit scientific complexity to
avoid any discussion at all.
It’s true that Hurricane Sandy got an unusual boost from extremely warm
waters off the East Coast—through the first half of 2012, sea
temperatures from Maine to North Carolina were the highest on record.
(Some of that warm water may be due to natural variability, however,
rather than man-made climate change.) Warmer ocean waters provide more
power for tropical cyclones, which is why hurricanes are more common in
the tropics and why the Atlantic hurricane season runs roughly over the
summer and early fall. A paper published earlier this month in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences made the case
that warm years over the past several decades have been more active for
cyclones than cooler years. Warmer air—and we’re on track to have the hottest year on record globally—can
hold more moisture, which means storms can drop more rainfall. That’s
one clear reason why many—but not all—atmospheric scientists believe
global warming is likely to help cause stronger storms.
Clarity, however, is
not beyond reach. Hurricane Sandy demands it: At least 40 U.S. deaths.
Economic losses expected to climb as high as $50 billion. Eight million
homes without power. Hundreds of thousands of people evacuated. More
than 15,000 flights grounded. Factories, stores, and hospitals shut.
Lower Manhattan dark, silent, and underwater.
unscientific survey of the social networking literature on Sandy reveals
an illuminating tweet (you read that correctly) from Jonathan Foley,
director of the Institute on the Environment at the University of
Minnesota. On Oct. 29, Foley thumbed thusly: “Would this kind of storm
happen without climate change? Yes. Fueled by many factors. Is storm
stronger because of climate change? Yes.” Eric Pooley, senior vice
president of the Environmental Defense Fund (and former deputy editor of
Bloomberg Businessweek ), offers a baseball analogy: “We can’t say that
steroids caused any one home run by Barry Bonds, but steroids sure
helped him hit more and hit them farther. Now we have weather on
In an Oct. 30 blog post, Mark Fischetti of
Scientific American took a spin through Ph.D.-land and found more and
more credentialed experts willing to shrug off the climate caveats. The
broadening consensus: “Climate change amps up other basic factors that
contribute to big storms. For example, the oceans have warmed, providing
more energy for storms. And the Earth’s atmosphere has warmed, so it
retains more moisture, which is drawn into storms and is then dumped on
us.” Even those of us who are science-phobic can get the gist of that.
featured a scary extra twist implicating climate change. An Atlantic
hurricane moving up the East Coast crashed into cold air dipping south
from Canada. The collision supercharged the storm’s energy level and
extended its geographical reach. Pushing that cold air south was an
atmospheric pattern, known as a blocking high, above the Arctic Ocean.
Climate scientists Charles Greene and Bruce Monger of Cornell
University, writing earlier this year in Oceanography , provided
evidence that Arctic icemelts linked to global warming contribute to the
very atmospheric pattern that sent the frigid burst down across Canada
and the eastern U.S.
If all that doesn’t impress, forget
the scientists ostensibly devoted to advancing knowledge and saving
lives. Listen instead to corporate insurers committed to compiling
statistics for profit.
On Oct. 17 the giant German
reinsurance company Munich Re issued a prescient report titled Severe
Weather in North America . Globally, the rate of extreme weather events
is rising, and “nowhere in the world is the rising number of natural
catastrophes more evident than in North America.” From 1980 through
2011, weather disasters caused losses totaling $1.06 trillion. Munich Re
found “a nearly quintupled number of weather-related loss events in
North America for the past three decades.” By contrast, there was “an
increase factor of 4 in Asia, 2.5 in Africa, 2 in Europe, and 1.5 in
South America.” Human-caused climate change “is believed to contribute
to this trend,” the report said, “though it influences various perils in
different ways.”
Global warming “particularly affects
formation of heat waves, droughts, intense precipitation events, and in
the long run most probably also tropical cyclone intensity,” Munich Re
said. This July was the hottest month recorded in the U.S. since
record-keeping began in 1895, according to the National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration. The U.S. Drought Monitor reported that
two-thirds of the continental U.S. suffered drought conditions this
Granted, Munich Re wants to sell more reinsurance
(backup policies purchased by other insurance companies), so maybe it
has a selfish reason to stir anxiety. But it has no obvious motive for
fingering global warming vs. other causes. “If the first effects of
climate change are already perceptible,” said Peter Hoppe, the company’s
chief of geo-risks research, “all alerts and measures against it have
become even more pressing.”
Which raises the question of
what alerts and measures to undertake. In his book The Conundrum , David
Owen, a staff writer at the New Yorker , contends that as long as the
West places high and unquestioning value on economic growth and consumer
gratification—with China and the rest of the developing world right
behind—we will continue to burn the fossil fuels whose emissions trap
heat in the atmosphere. Fast trains, hybrid cars, compact fluorescent
light bulbs, carbon offsets—they’re just not enough, Owen writes.
even he would surely agree that the only responsible first step is to
put climate change back on the table for discussion. The issue was MIA
during the presidential debates and, regardless of who wins on Nov. 6,
is unlikely to appear on the near-term congressional calendar. After
Sandy, that seems insane.
Mitt Romney has gone from being
a supporter years ago of clean energy and emission caps to, more
recently, a climate agnostic. On Aug. 30, he belittled his opponent’s
vow to arrest climate change, made during the 2008 presidential
campaign. “President Obama promised to begin to slow the rise of the
oceans and heal the planet,” Romney told the Republican National
Convention in storm-tossed Tampa. “My promise is to help you and your
family.” Two months later, in the wake of Sandy, submerged families in
New Jersey and New York urgently needed some help dealing with that
rising-ocean stuff.
Obama and his strategists clearly
decided that in a tight race during fragile economic times, he should
compete with Romney by promising to mine more coal and drill more oil.
On the campaign trail, when Obama refers to the environment, he does so
only in the context of spurring “green jobs.” During his time in office,
Obama has made modest progress on climate issues. His administration’s
fuel-efficiency standards will reduce by half the amount of greenhouse
gas emissions from new cars and trucks by 2025. His regulations and
proposed rules to curb mercury, carbon, and other emissions from
coal-fired power plants are forcing utilities to retire some of the
dirtiest old facilities. And the country has doubled the generation of
energy from renewable sources such as solar and wind.
renewable energy accounts for less than 15 percent of the country’s
electricity. The U.S. cannot shake its fossil fuel addiction by going
cold turkey. Offices and factories can’t function in the dark. Shippers
and drivers and air travelers will not abandon petroleum overnight.
While scientists and entrepreneurs search for breakthrough technologies,
the next president should push an energy plan that exploits plentiful
domestic natural gas supplies. Burned for power, gas emits about half as
much carbon as coal. That’s a trade-off already under way, and it’s
worth expanding. Environmentalists taking a hard no-gas line are making a
Conservatives champion market forces—as do
smart liberals—and financial incentives should be part of the climate
agenda. In 2009 the House of Representatives passed cap-and-trade
legislation that would have rewarded more nimble industrial players that
figure out how to use cleaner energy. The bill died in the Senate in
2010, a victim of Tea Party-inspired Republican obstructionism and
Obama’s decision to spend his political capital to push health-care
Despite Republican fanaticism about all forms of
government intervention in the economy, the idea of pricing carbon must
remain a part of the national debate. One politically plausible way to
tax carbon emissions is to transfer the revenue to individuals. Alaska,
which pays dividends to its citizens from royalties imposed on oil
companies, could provide inspiration (just as Romneycare in
Massachusetts pointed the way to Obamacare).
the global warming crisis will require global solutions. Washington can
become a credible advocate for moving the Chinese and Indian economies
away from coal and toward alternatives only if the U.S. takes concerted
political action. At the last United Nations conference on climate
change in Durban, South Africa, the world’s governments agreed to seek a
new legal agreement that binds signatories to reduce their carbon
emissions. Negotiators agreed to come up with a new treaty by 2015, to
be put in place by 2020. To work, the treaty will need to include a way
to penalize countries that don’t meet emission-reduction
targets—something the U.S. has until now refused to support.
Hurricane Sandy does nothing else, it should suggest that we need to
commit more to disaster preparation and response. As with climate
change, Romney has displayed an alarmingly cavalier attitude on weather
emergencies. During one Republican primary debate last year, he was
asked point-blank whether the functions of the Federal Emergency
Management Agency ought to be turned back to the states. “Absolutely,”
he replied. Let the states fend for themselves or, better yet, put the
private sector in charge. Pay-as-you-go rooftop rescue service may
appeal to plutocrats; when the flood waters are rising, ordinary folks
welcome the National Guard.
It’s possible Romney’s
kill-FEMA remark was merely a pander to the Right, rather than a serious
policy proposal. Still, the reconfirmed need for strong federal
disaster capability—FEMA and Obama got glowing reviews from New Jersey
Governor Chris Christie, a Romney supporter—makes the Republican
presidential candidate’s campaign-trail statement all the more
The U.S. has allowed transportation and
other infrastructure to grow obsolete and deteriorate, which poses a
threat not just to public safety but also to the nation’s economic
health. With once-in-a-century floods now occurring every few years, New
York Governor Andrew Cuomo and New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg
said the country’s biggest city will need to consider building surge
protectors and somehow waterproofing its enormous subway system. “It’s
not prudent to sit here and say it’s not going to happen again,” Cuomo
said. “I believe it is going to happen again.”
Some scientists and science writers, however, were just as quick to
caution that we can’t really attribute any single weather event to
climate change—and that tropical cyclones like Sandy have proved
particularly hard to connect to global warming. Andrew Revkin of Dot Earth drew a clear line
against attributing Sandy directly to recent man-made warming, noting
that there had been periods in the past when strong hurricanes occurred
during cooler years
Rothkopf, the chief executive and editor-at-large of Foreign Policy ,
noted in an Oct. 29 blog post that Sandy also brought his hometown,
Washington, to a standstill, impeding affairs of state. To lessen future
impact, he suggested burying urban and suburban power lines, an
expensive but sensible improvement.
Where to get the
money? Rothkopf proposed shifting funds from post-Sept. 11 bureaucratic
leviathans such as the Department of Homeland Security, which he alleges
is shot through with waste. In truth, what’s lacking in America’s
approach to climate change is not the resources to act but the political
will to do so. A Pew Research Center poll conducted in October found
that two-thirds of Americans say there is “solid evidence” the earth is
getting warmer. That’s down 10 points since 2006. Among Republicans,
more than half say it’s either not a serious problem or not a problem at
Such numbers reflect the success of climate deniers
in framing action on global warming as inimical to economic growth.
This is both shortsighted and dangerous. The U.S. can’t afford regular
Sandy-size disruptions in economic activity. To limit the costs of
climate-related disasters, both politicians and the public need to
accept how much they’re helping to cause them.
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